January 2008
GMU Democrats Take On Grassroots Strategies
By Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson
“We have several members who have worked on the presidential campaigns already,” said junior Katie Bowen, Communications Director of the College Democrats.
Junior government major and College Democrats treasurer SJ Hightower worked at Senator John Edwards’s National Campaign Headquarters in Chapel Hill, North Carolina last summer, as an intern in the One Corps program.
After Strong Starts, Teams Going in Opposite Directions
By Connect Mason Sports Director Damien Sordelett. Photos by Broadside Photo Editor Courtney Erland.
Lady Patriots hit a wall as the Men try to catch up with VCU
In-Depth Inspections Due for Abortion Clinics
By Broadside News Editor Asma Chaudhary
According to a recent vote of 60-37 by the House of Delegates, health care clinics that provide abortion and pro-choice services must meet the same standards as other out-patient facilities. As a result of the vote, the state requires numerous in-depth inspections for health care clinics. These inspections serve to provide more regulation on the services so that the medical practices are addressed as seriously as other surgeries in hospitals.
GMU College Democrats on 2008 Presidential Race
GMU College Democrats talk about the 2008 presidential candidates.
GMU College Republicans on 2008 Presidential Race
Video by Connect Mason video team.
GMU College Republicans decide to wait to see what the republican party decides before they endorse any one candidate. Watch this movie to hear more about what the college republicans are all about.
Barack Obama
By Broadside Staff Reporter Joshua St. Louis, Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson
Age: 46
Local Endorsements/Major Endorsements: Governor Tim Kaine, Congressman Bobby Scott, Congressman Rick Boucher, Senator John Kerry
Mike Gravel
By Broadside Staff Reporter Joshua St. Louis, Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson
Age: 77