March 2008
Mason 911 Emergency Service Down Second Time
By Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson
For a second time this semester, the Mason Alert system reported that the 911 phone service for the George Mason Police was down, this time for nearly an hour last Saturday.
According to campus police, the non-emergency lines to the police station were still in service. Students were able to reach a 911 dispatcher at the Fairfax County Police Department via their cell phone if needed.
Patriots to Fight the Notre Dame Irish in Denver
By Connect Mason Sports Director Damien Sordelett
Photo by Connect Mason Multimedia Director Grace Kendall
Video by Connect Mason Director Whitney Rhodes
The Patriots will enter the tournament as the No. 12 seed in the East region against fifth-seeded Notre Dame on Thursday in Denver. The winner of that matchup will compete against the winner of the game between No. 4 Washington St. and No. 13 Winthrop.
- Check out our photo gallery from the NCAA Bracket rally at Mason!
- See this ESPN video that breaks down the East Region bracket.
Patriots' fans packed the Johnson Center on Sunday evening to find out where they would be heading to watch Mason's 2008 contest in the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament.
From College to University, March 1972
Story and Photo Provided By Robert Vay, Special Collections & Archives, University Libraries
This Week in Mason History flashes back to campus life in March of 1972.
At that time, the name “George Mason University” was only a few weeks old. Technically, the school was called “George Mason College of the University of Virginia” until April 7 when Governor A. Linwood Holton signed a bill passed earlier in the Virginia Legislature officially separating Mason from UVa. However, many Mason officials, including Chancellor, Lorin A. Thompson, began using the new name in March.
Young Entrepreneurs' Event to Motivate Students
By Connect Mason News Director Elizabeth Stern
Mason’s School of Management will host the fourth annual Young Entrepreneurs’ Academy conference Friday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the ground floor of the JC.
Political Column for the Illiterate and Lackadaisical
By Connect Mason Convergence Director Lars Garvey Laing-Peterson
If you don’t feel like reading, I’ll hand this off to Stephen Colbert for a wrap up of the week starting March 10, 2008. Even if you wanted to read, I’d recommend watching anyway, if only to hear about how Colbert becomes the “meat” in Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution sandwich.
Tax Schedule Ruled Illegal
By Broadside Managing Editor Aram Zucker-Sharff
The Virginia Supreme Court ruled the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority's power to tax unconstitutional this past Friday. This development puts northern Virginia’s multi-million financing system, created to support transportation initiatives, at risk.
Lunch Break: Spitzer Girl, Craigslist Scams
By Connect Mason Life Director Sorphea Sam
Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.
This girl sold herself to the mayor of New York.
Craigslist can't be all that reliable... this is one crazy scam.
Fenwick Library gets some international attention.
Lunch Break: Condoms, Domestic Abuse, Gas Prices
By Connect Mason News Director Elizabeth Stern
Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.
One in four girls is infected with an STD, according to a recent government study. For African-Americans included in the study, approximately half were infected. HPV was the most prevalent, affecting 18 percent. Load up on free condoms, which are available by the entrance of Student Health Services.
Lunch Break: F-O-L-I -R-I-A-N... Oh wait!
By Connect Mason Sports Director Damien Sordelett
Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.
College basketball has reached the pinnacle of excitement as fans now know whether their teams will be playing in the NCAA Tournament.
It's Folarin! How hard can it be? He's been in a Final Four before.
Career Sevices To Hold Resume Clinic
By Connect Mason News Director Elizabeth Stern
To get ready for the Job and Internship Fair hosted by Career Services coming on March 19 and 20, Career Services will be holding an Employer Resume Clinic Monday, March 17 in JC Room 116 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to help you improve your resume and highlight your skills.