October 2008

Clinton To Come To Campus Sunday

By Broadside News Editor Sonya Hudson.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is coming to Mason on Sunday Nov. 2. Hosted by Students for Barack Obama, the senator from New York will in North Plaza by the Johnson Center this Sunday. The event will begin with a pre-rally at 4:30. Senator Clinton will start speaking at 5 p.m.

Mason Golfer Branson Real: the Real McCoy

By Broadside Sports Editor Michael Coppinger

For Branson Real, golf is more than a sport—it’s an escape from the everyday rigors of life. “My favorite thing about golf, is that I can go out on the golf course and just get rid of everything in my life,” Real said. “The problems disappear. I know I can’t take care of them while I’m out there. It just gets me away from the struggles of life.”

The Bunny Man: Fairfax's Own Urban Legend

By Broadside Style Editor Emily Sharrer.

Since at least 1903, area residents have been haunted by the legend of the Bunny Man, Fairfax’s own urban legend, fueled by many different incidents reported in Clifton, Va. for over 100 years. While most Novens are familiar with the age old tale of the Bunny Man and the infamous Bunny Man Bridge, an overpass of the Southern Railway located on Colchester Road about 20 minutes from George Mason University, many out-of-staters are unfamiliar with the tale. So for those who don’t know how the story goes, I’ll give you a brief run down of the legend of the Bunny Man.
There are many different variations of the tale, though most involved a man dressed in a bunny suit attacking people with an axe.

DIY: Halloween Costumes for Poor College Students

By Broadside Correspondent Mary Carpenter

Halloween is just around the corner, and you still do not know what to be. Here are some costume ideas that won’t put a dent in your wallet and are sure to make you a hit wherever you go on Halloween.

Life in A. Minor: Two for the Price of One

By Broadside Columnist Andy Minor

I have two things to discuss, and they both have to be done this week otherwise they won’t be within the realm of acceptable, timely journalism anymore. So instead of blabbering on about some individual topic, I’m going to blabber about two topics. I don’t really mean to confuse any of you by this, but there was an album out Tuesday from one of my favorite bands, plus a sweet show coming up next weekend that is a must-attend. That being said, I’ll begin with part one.

Oliver Stone's W. Shows Another Side of Bush

By Broadside Staff Writer Ross Bonaime

Oliver Stone is no stranger to controversial presidential films. With JFK, he questioned the possibility that maybe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in his assassination. In Nixon, he attempted to put the demonized president into an understandable perspective. Stone’s newest film W., the first film that attempts to tell the biography of a currently seated president, tries to show George W. Bush’s rise from a drunk, Yale graduate hooligan to the 43rd president of the United States.

LETTER: Diagonsing "Islamophobia"

Broadside Letter to the Editor

The way Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. has run his campaign should disappoint everyone who has ever regarded his/herself as different from others. In Sen. Barack Obama, D–Ill., we should all see a little bit of ourselves. Who would have guessed that there would be an opportunity for a “Barack Hussein Obama” to lead the United States? All of the views that Obama cannot lead because he is different could very well be about you, me, or anyone else that is unlike the next person. This election is showing everyone how being different is actually viewed by the general population. Everyone has a different story, struggle or experience and different values, which does not make one incapable of guiding a nation.

LETTER: The Money Election

Broadside Letter to the Editor

Sen. Barack Obama’s, D–Ill., campaign raised a record $150 million in September, and has spent about $185 million in advertising so far, according to The New York Times. Jim Rutenberg reports that the Obama campaign is “set to break the advertising record established by President George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign.” Obama is breaking records with the amount of money he is raising and spending in his bid for the White House. The previous record was held by Bush’s campaign, which went on to win the election. What can we draw from this? Whoever has the most money to burn in order to further his/her goals is likely to succeed.

STI Testing Should be Greatly Expanded

By Broadside Staff Writer Sabra Hayes

Due to our current STI epidemic, a blood test should be required of all citizens over the age of 18, before they enter college. Many states require a blood test before marriage to check for STIs like HPV. This blood test would help notify those who may have an infection and not realize it, which would keep it from spreading. This test should strictly be used as a self-knowledge system and not as a means of alienation.

Broadside Urges Mason Students to Vote

By Broadside Editors

This year we have seen so many students make known what or whom they are passionate about in this upcoming election. We currently hold the number eight spot in the Princeton Review’s “Most Politically Active College Campuses” list. There is such a strong political diversity on-campus that has not gone unnoticed.