May 2009
Mason's Own Course Rating System
By Broadside Staff Writer Ryan Dempsey
I often wonder how many services George Mason University provides that students are unaware of. Some of the services do not even have an advertising plan established to reach out to students. One of these services that many students don’t know about is
At the end of every semester, students are asked to fill out course evaluations about their professors. Kris Smith, associate provost of institutional research and reporting, stated that these evaluation scores are used to make course improvements and use “the results along with other information to evaluate the effectiveness of a faculty member.” Additionally, Smith states that “students used the results to aid in course selection during the registration process.”
Off-Campus Employment: A Bad Thing?
By Student Body President Zack Golden
Being a member of Student Government has been one of the highlights of my time at George Mason University. My only regret is that I was unable to be as involved during my first two years. I worked 30-hour weeks at an off-campus job, preventing me from being an active member of the Mason community. Unfortunately, with the ever-increasing cost of higher education, off-campus employment is becoming the norm rather than the exception.
Lamenting Theft of Broadside
By Broadside Opinion Editor William Curtis
I imagine a time when people were more thoughtful, a time when respect was not something that had to be earned, but rather it was something given immediately along with the benefit of a doubt. But the times of my imagination have clearly dissipated. With the coming of a new era and generation, I would have assumed that some things were still revered and considered to be important enough not to be tampered with.
As a student at George Mason University, I have remained adamant about offering respect and admiration to fellow students as well as to anyone whom I crossed paths with. I never imagined that someone could be so dumb, or immature enough to do such a simplistic and vandalistic crime.
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