
Former Peruvian Senator Speaks to Mason: Riots Among Indigenous Amazonians Spark Discussion

By Amanda Cheek, News Editor

Former Peruvian Senator Javier Diez Canseco traveled to George Mason University to speak to students on the Amazonian struggle, protests and conflict in Peru.

The lecture, titled “Rising Up: The Amazonian Struggle in Peru,” was sponsored by Latin American Studies, Global Interdisciplinary Affairs, and the Center for Global Studies at Mason, and was held Nov. 12 in Student Union Building II.

At Leadership Dialogue, Merten Touts Incremental Change

At a presidential leadership conference held in Mason Hall on Wednesday, George Mason University President Alan Merten touted the benefits of incremental change and spoke of the ways in which the university has adapted and modified since his arrival in 1996.

The conference was attended by approximately thirty student leaders who discussed the concept of personal and institutional change with the university president.

Night Walk Identifies 'Unsafe' Areas of Campus

Last Thursday, George Mason’s Student Government assessed the safety of the campus with its annual programs Campus Safety Day and Night Walk.

During the day, Student Government distributed key tags with phone numbers for Student Assault Services and Campus Police as well as significant pieces of information regarding what students can do in emergency situations.

Campus Groups Promote Homelessness Awareness Variety of Activities Planned to Educate Students

By Brenda Shepard, Staff Writer

Imagine sleeping on cement. Now think about being hungry, alone and numb from the cold. This is how many people across the United States spend each day and night. While students on campuses across the country lie in their warm dorm rooms watching the latest reality show, these homeless men, women and children are simply trying to survive.

Student Government New Committee Created to Advertise Events

By Hillary Huber, Broadside Correspondent

George Mason University was the number one school to watch last year, and with a new Public Relations Committee, Student Government is proving why Mason deserves that title.

The committee will be responsible for any and all advertising, and according to the Student Government website is dedicated to “giv[ing] students professional experience while developing Student Government’s visibility within the Mason Community.”