Alice Walker
Possessing the Secret of Joy by Alice Walker
|Possessing the Secret of Joy by Alice Walker

Student photo project recreates famous images of African-Americans in history
|Lights are pointed onto empty seats. A black drop cloth is in the background. As Sha’Air Hawkins tries out different angles for a shot, Tianna Wynn stares at the photo of Marvin Gaye on her phone, trying to mimic his pose to better direct the model.
2012 Fall for the Book recap
|Last week, George Mason University's annual Fall for the Book Festival was in full swimg, bringing many acclaimed authors to the campus and surrounding area. In case you were busy studying, in class, or just missed the event, here are some of the highlights from the festival:
Alice Walker visits Mason for Fall for the Book
|There are many novels that capture an audience’s attention. Works such as “The Great Gatsby” and “The Giver” are often read in high school and college literature classes because of their wide acceptance in the literary world. The novel “The Color Purple” is no exception. Winner of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, author Alice Walker’s work continues to have a deep impact on readers alike, even thirty years after it was first published.
Neil Gaiman and Alice Walker headline Fall for the Book
|George Mason’s annual Fall for the Book will begin on September 26 and run until September 30. This will mark the fourteenth year of the festival. Initially a two day event in Fairfax and at George Mason, the event has now spread into Washington D.C. and parts of Maryland. However, sixty percent of the event still remains on the Mason Fairfax campus.