Study Abroad
Federal financial aid cut for non-Mason study abroad programs
|At the beginning of the fall semester, the Office of Financial Aid informed the Center for Global Education that federal financial aid would no longer be applied to non-Mason study abroad programs.
Changes to federal financial aid regulations have changed the financial aid office’s interpretation of how aid can be applied to these study abroad programs, which are not directly affiliated with the university.
Study abroad program features National Geographic explorers
|Mason’s school for Conflict Analysis and Resolution recently announced a new study abroad program in collaboration with National Geographic Explorers.
For the first time ever, the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution will include National Geographic Explorers on their yearly trip to Israel and Palestine in Jan. 2014.
CRDC Executive Director Aziz Abu Sarah helped establish this collaboration between National Geographic and Mason.
Office of Global and International Studies answers questions about Songdo Campus
|Students confused about the Mason Songdo campus now have the chance to get their questions answered through weekly information and Q&A sessions provided by the Office of Global and International Strategies.
This spring, George Mason University will open a campus in Songdo, South Korea. As a feature of Mason’s vision to become a university for the world, the campus will offer increased opportunities for Mason students to deepen their global understanding in an increasingly globalized society.
Mason holds first student summit on global education
|The Center for Global Education held its first ever student summit on global education, which allowed students to share their experiences studying abroad.
On Nov. 13, students presented poster boards with their study abroad experiences in the Johnson Center third floor atrium. Later that afternoon, students showed slideshows and videos that chronicled their trips in a study abroad panel. The presentations included photos, lessons the students learned and tips for prospective study abroad students.
New Student Media magazine focuses on 'Mason Around the Globe'
|The Office of Student Media’s latest issue of VoxPop is out and available to the George Mason University community. Entitled Mason Around the Globe, it focuses on the opportunities Mason offers it students to study or travel abroad.
Global Photo Contest (Page 1)
Chelsea White, UK
Big Ben
Elaine Bomberger, Ireland
The Ireland group hanging out at the Dublin Zoo
Study abroad's latest advertising push turns to YouTube
George Mason University's Center for Global Education has a new mode of advertisement in addition to its fliers, info sessions and class pitches: a short 'lil YouTube video.
Deadline extended for study abroad photo contest
If you've got a photo from a recent study abroad trip, you've got more time to enter in our joint photo contest with the Center for Global Education. The contest's deadline has been extended to Friday, February 25 at midnight.
To be clear, that's 12 a.m. Saturday.
Egyptian uprising sends Mason student back to campus
The view during part of the bus trip Mason junior Matt Wilchek took from The American University Cairo to the Cairo airport to catch a U.S. State Department charter flight out of the country. Wilchek was in Egypt on a study abroad program. (Photo courtesy of Matt Wilchek)