'Economics without Ecocide'

Right Relationship:  Building a Whole Earth Economy

By GMU Sustainability Council Member By Aaron Hartman.

The economic crisis. Climate change. These are issues with consequences that affect us all. But how do we fix our economy while remaining environmentally responsible? Should we even care?

Economics without Ecocide. As a prologue to Earth Week at Mason, on Thursday, 16 April from noon to 2 p.m. in Student Union Building II, rm. 5-7, Dr. Peter G. Brown, author and professor in the School of Environment at McGill University, talks about his new book, Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy. A former professor at the University of Maryland, Dr. Brown founded the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, and the School of Public Policy, and also established the School's Environmental Policy Programs while at UMD.

A moderated panel discussion informed by audience questions/comments will follow his book talk with Dr. Brown and members of Mason faculty to include Dr. Peter Balint, Public & International Affairs and Environmental Science & Policy; Dr. Susan Crate, Environmental Science & Policy; and Dr. Robert Nadeau, English. The panel will explore the idea of rebuilding our world economy from a cross-disciplinary perspective in line with ecology, ethics, social justice and equity, science and economics with respect to perceptions of humanity's place on Earth.

Dr. Brown will be available to sign books at 1:30 pm after the panel discussion.

Please join us for a fascinating discussion.

For more information about Earth Week 2009 at Mason, please check out our Facebook page.y

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