TechKnow Expo Draws Large Crowds

TechKnow Expo
Photo by Russell Osborne.
Students previewed new technology at the TechKnow Expo.

By Connect2Mason Reporter Lauren Jost

Amidst the pumping music and the normal hustle and bustle of the Johnson Center, students flocked to the TechKnow Expo to see the showcase of new technology.

The event was hosted by Patriot Computers and was sponsored by audio accessory company Skullcandy. Students had the opportunity to trade in old headphones of any brand or style for a free pair of Skullcandy headphones. The brand is known for their quality noise-reducing headphones as well as top-of-the-line DJ headphones.

“I prefer [Skullcandy] over any other type of headphone,” said Julia Compton a junior art and visual technology major. “This expo is sweet because they’re giving away [Skullcandy] and they’re free. Who doesn’t love free?”

Other vendors attended the TechKnow Expo to inform students of new products coming out. Attendees included Apple Computers, Adobe, Parallels, STM & Mobile Edge, M-Audio & Sibelius and Total Training. Apple Computers came equipped with the new MacBook bundle and raffled off a nano iPod for the crowd. STM, known for their laptop bags and backpacks, brought various styles of their bags for students to browse through.

Adobe Systems showcased their new Creative Suite 4 for students and advertised their hefty student discount if the new CS4 package is purchased from Patriot Computers.

Throughout the expo, various raffle competitions went on including a race to blow up Skullcandy beach balls and a dance-off to Sir-Mix-A-Lot’s “I Like Big Butts.”

“I thought the TechKnow event on Tuesday was pretty cool,” said communication major Emily Morrell. “It was something I haven’t seen Mason do before.”

A representative from Parallels gave students a tutorial on how the system works as they waited in line for Skullcandy headphones. Parallels Desktop 4.0 is a program that allows Windows operating systems on Mac computers with ease.

Total Training also educated students on how their programs function by demonstrating that Total Training is the “software training for creative minds.” The popular company creates online and DVD training in creative Adobe softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

For more information about any of the products featured at the TechKnow Expo, visit the Patriot Computers store.

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