Patriot Pack Out Collects Leftover Items
By Broadside Correspondent Brittany Rouse
As students begin preparing for final exams and moving out of their dorms, they may find that there is more stuff to pack up than they would have thought. When students have extra items they no longer need, one place to take them this spring is the Patriot Pack Out. The recycling and donation outreach program is hosted by the Office of Sustainability and will run from May 7 to 15.
When sophomore communication major Maria Cianfichi began packing up for the summer, she found that there was more in the dorm room than she had assumed.
“I’ve accumulated so much more stuff since I first moved in, it’s ridiculous. Between bringing more clothes from home and shopping throughout the year, I have a lot of things I don’t really need,” said Cianfichi.
According to Traci Claar, George Mason University’s director of community relations, the idea for the Pack Out started two and a half years ago as a way for the Mason students to give back to the community. The program is based on a common practice that always happens at the end of each semester—students leave things behind after they move out.
“After talking with our recycling office and residence life, we found that many students leave behind a large quantity of belongings, including food, clothing and small appliances, which then had to be cleaned out by our recycling office,” said Claar.
The Pack Out allows students to donate clothes, small appliances and un-opened, non-perishable food that they do not wish to take home.
Clothes and appliances that are collected will be donated to the Clock Tower Thrift Shop. The food collected will be donated to the Food for Others program, the largest distributor of free food directly to people in need in Northern Virginia.
Many students think the program is worthwhile and plan to donate items that they no longer need.
Freshman psychology major Megan Moore will be moving out of the dorms for the first time next week and plans to donate.
“I’m a freshman, so I’ve never moved out before. I live far away, so I’m planning to donate a lot of stuff,” said Moore.
Sophomore communication major Simone Gaulman donated last year to the program.
“I donated some old sweatshirts that I didn’t want last year. As for this year, I’m not sure yet because I didn’t bring as much stuff as I did as a freshman,” said Gaulman.
The drop off locations for donations are located throughout most campus residences in the main lobbies and in Eisenhower Hall room 101 for Presidents Park.
There will also be drive-up donation hours behind Eisenhower Hall in Presidents Park on May 8, May 12 and May 14 from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Students can also help the program by volunteering for a shift to help pick up the donations. Volunteers can sign up at
Claar said the program gives students a way to lessen their load of belongings as to make the move-out process easier.
“By organizing our efforts, Mason can truly give back to the local community through this donation program,” said Claar.
Patriot Pack Out Drop-Off Locations:
York River Corner:
Liberty Square main lobby and B Wing first floor laundry room
Potomac Heights main lobby
Presidents Park:
-Eisenhower Hall, Room 101
-Main lobby of Commonwealth, Dominion, and University Commons buildings
-Main lobby of each residence hall
Townhouses and Apartments:
-Student Apartments Building 5
-Outside townhouses, near dumpsters