Campus News in Brief

Compiled by Broadside Interim Assistant News Editor Justin Petrisek and News Editor Kevin Loker

Director of Forensics Elected Faculty Senate Chair

Dr. Peter Pober, a professor of communication and director of Forensics at George Mason University, has been elected chair of the Faculty Senate for the coming year.

The Faculty Senate is the principal faculty advisory body to the president and the administration. Their responsibility is to speak and act for the general faculty, as a whole, on matters affecting the welfare of the university and the university-wide academic policy.

Sales and Marketing to Charter Chapter at Mason

Pi Sigma Epsilon, the country’s only professional business fraternity for men and women interested in sales, marketing and management, will charter its 155th active chapter at Mason.

“I am very excited to have [Mason] as the newest chapter. I have every confidence this group will be an asset to PSE, the university they represent, and the local community of Fairfax. I look forward to their contributions,” said Mr. Lee Melancon, Pi Sigma Epsilon’s National President.

Chapters complete sales, marketing research, community service projects, write business plans and reports, practice financial planning and execute public relations campaigns. Students will be able to apply what they learn, enrich their resumes and enhance career opportunities upon graduation.

“Over the years, PSE has provided opportunities and practical experiences that prepare its members for careers in all facets of business. Employers often seek out PSE members for internships and PSE graduates for productive careers,” says Dr. Lynnea Mallalieu, Pi Sigma Epsilon’s Executive Vice President.

Mason Places First in Food Waste Reduction Competition

Mason placed first in the Colonial Athletic Association’s Targeted Material—Food Service Organics—Competition Division of RecycleMania, a competition designed to promote waste reduction activities on college campuses. This is Mason’s first year competing in RecycleMania.

Not every college and university chooses to compete in this competition. Mason placed fifth out of six schools in Virginia, 29th out of 45 public institutions, and 63rd out of 86 institutions in the category.

Though RecycleMania has ended for this year, students can still compost in Southside by placing food waste into the green composting bins or by placing their plates in the return area where food waste is then processed through a pulper and sent to a commercial composting facility.

University Receives Grant for Military and Veterans Office

Mason was one of 20 institutions nationwide recently awarded a Success for Veterans Award grant from the American Council on Education and the Wal-Mart Foundation.

The $100,000 grant is expected to help Mason's Military and Veterans Office evolve further into “a comprehensive, coordinated one-stop resource and support center to ensure academic, psychological and transition support.“

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