Student Media to Foster Online Interactivity with Community During Health Reform Rally

The Patriot Center, a rather empty scene this morning, will likely house thousands coming to hear President Obama speak on health reform tomorrow. (Peter Flint)

UPDATED 8:33 p.m. LiveStream Footage to be featured. 

The Patriot Center may boast 10,000 seats, but the debate over healthcare reform reaches beyond the building’s doors. President Obama will speak on the topic at this Friday’s rally, presenting his plans for a policy that will impact millions in the general public, whether or not the legislation passes or fails.

George Mason University’s Office of Student Media will open its ‘online doors’ in order to add depth, commentary and discussion to the debate. All are welcome to engage in the topic and the president’s speech in real-time.

Connect2Mason will host a live chat via, an online tool released in 2007 that has been used for interactive material by brands and media companies such as ESPN and The Washington Post. Connect2Mason has also used it in the past for coverage of live events.

The chat will tentatively open for use at 8:45 a.m. EST, 15 minutes before doors open to the general public.

For those who tweet, the discussion has already begun. The hashtag, #obamagmu should be used to discuss the event. Twitter users are encouraged to use the hashtag before, during and after the rally. This can be done anywhere—online, in the comfort of one’s home, or via cell phone—including the Patriot Center.

Tweets including the #obamagmu hashtag will be featured in a live feed on Any with the hashtag #healthcare will also be featured on the site.

The team will also LiveStream video footage from the floor of the Patriot Center event.

The following Twitter accounts of and within the Office of Student Media will be tweeting live from the event:

@Connect2Mason, the student media convergence website
@kevinloker, C2M Executive Editor Kevin Loker
@Chronotope, Office of Student Media Technology Manager Aram Zucker-Scharff
@rachaeldickson, Four Years After the Final Four Editor-in-chief Rachael Dickson
@sameoldjostie, C2M Staff Writer Lauren Jost
@Flint_Photo, Student Media Photography Editor Peter Flint
@WGMU, the university’s student-run radio station
@WGMUNews, the radio station’s new news department


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