Hubler Reaches Out to Grieving Students

By Connect Mason Director Whitney Rhodes

Sandy Hubler, the vice president of University Life, sent out a mass email early Friday morning extending her condolences and professional support to those affected by the Northern Illinois University shootings.

Here's what she had to say:

"The recent tragic shootings at Northern Illinois University have again impacted the higher education community and brought back memories of April 16, 2007 at our sister school Va Tech.

NIU students return to class on Monday February 25, 2008. Mason students who have connections in the Chicago/DeKalb area are calling, reaching out and some are traveling to lend their support. In addition, many departments at Mason have been in contact with their counterparts at NIU, offering condolence, volunteers, and a caring ear. We all share the feeling that we can never do enough in moments like these.

Please know that if you feel disturbed by these tragic events your feelings are perfectly normal. They will most likely dissipate over time and you will return to a more normal life.

Know too that there are support services across the campus and that every department in University Life is available to serve and support you. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) has same-day intakes available by calling 703/993.2380 at 8:30 a.m. to schedule on a first-come – first-served basis. CAPS also has emergency information on their web page as well as information regarding coping with crisis. Click on the NIU black ribbon.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do during these difficult times. We are here to help."

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