Mason sends its largest team to AIDS Walk Washington, raises $10,700 for DC nonprofit

AIDS Walk Washington consists of a 5K fundraising walk and timed run. Other activities also occur at the event's stage. (submitted photo, Nader Hussein)
Over 400 George Mason University students participated in the 24th Annual AIDS Walk Washington, an event that raises awareness and money for those living with HIV/AIDS in the District.
The registered team of 435 students was the largest in the school's 20-year history of participation in the event that brings thousands to the nation's capital to benefit the Whitman-Walker Clinic, a local nonprofit that provides health care and services for the District's citizens HIV/AIDS.
The event raised over $700,000 for the clinic. Through collaboration with 40 student organizations and departments on-campus, Mason's team raised $10,700 of those funds.
Nader Hussein, a senior biology major who helped organize Mason's participants, sent Connect2Mason the following personal reflection via e-mail:
"This was an outstanding accomplishment, and something that we can all be very proud of. Thanks to a generous gift from Parking & Transportation, we were able to run five Mason-to-Metro shuttles just for AIDS Walk participants morning of the event. Mason was the 2nd largest university participating in AIDS Walk this year, and was one of the most visible teams present during the event.
A special thanks to Blake Silver for designing the Mason t-shirts and helping to organize the team. Another thanks goes to Heather Hare and the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement for sponsoring the event and supporting us throughout the process. Finally, special thanks to all of the student organizations and everyone else who contributed to this year's event.
We had a very successful and strong team this year, and this is something that the Mason community can definitely be proud of!"
Correction: A misread of an earlier version of this post may have led readers to believe that Mason had the largest college team at the event. It did not-- that title goes to American University. Clarification has since been added.