Candidate Profile: Ron Paul

By Broadside Staff Reporter Joshua St. Louis, Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson

Age: 72
Local Endorsements/Major Endorsements: Congressman Barry Goldwater, CEO Bruce Bradshaw

Former Doctor and current Texas Congressman Ron Paul stands out as the only Republican candidate who favors an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. Among some of his other unconventional stances, he believes that certain drugs should be legalized, that aid should be cut off to both Israel and Arabs, that the Department of Education should be closed and its functions returned to the state, and is pro-life, but believes that issues of life and death should be dealt with at the local level. He also wants to secure the border against illegal immigration, but feels that it is impractical to attempt to round up the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country.

Image courtesy of Flickr's "dfred" and Creative Commons.

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