Official Broadside Statement on Gryboski Article
Submitted by Broadside Editor in Chief Janice Leary
It is Broadside's editorial policy that letters to the editor, columns, artwork and other commentaries strictly represent the opinions of the authors and do not represent the official opinion of the newspaper. All unsigned staff editorials are written to represent the view of the Broadside staff, a diverse set of opinions determined by the members of the editorial board.
The most important idea to realize is that Broadside does not practice censorship and will always remain a medium where all personal thoughts, views and opinions can, and should, be expressed. We always encourage the entire Mason community to respond to all of our opinion articles.
While opinion pieces represent the views of the author, Broadside does verify the validity of all facts presented, as well as requiring each opinion columnist to include sources used. We encourage our readers to let us know when factual errors are printed.