HSA Members Hold Clothes Drive to Give Back to the Local Community

By Broadside News Editor Asma Chaudhary

Recently, the Hispanic Student Association extended its clothing drive to Saturday, April 26, in order to receive more donations on behalf of those in need. The clothing drive, which has received many different items including coats, clothes, belts, bags and shoes, has encouraged George Mason University students to be involved and give back to others.

HSA Community Service Chair Rubi Chavez said, “I have been conducting the clothes drive for two weeks now, with the help of my assistant in the project Lucila Fernandez and additional volunteers who helped me cover shift times at the kiosk.”

The association will be benefiting a local charity organization that works on a national level to provide supplies and funding to children’s centers.

“In this case, we are helping the American Youth Center by gathering donations for them which they will share with associated centers like a children’s orphanage,” Chavez said.

As one of Mason’s largest organizations, the HSA continues to expand ideas and benefit the local community beyond the Fairfax campus.

Chavez said, “The reason HSA got involved is because we always want to be at service to the community; we want to help in the little way that will make a bigger difference to others. While the title for the drive is clothes drive, it has not had any restrictions.”

With on-campus students participating, Chavez has noticed more donations from those who are doing spring cleaning as well as those who are getting rid of outgrown clothes.
“Our goal is to learn how we can best serve the community, to know that we can be useful and know that we are there when help is needed,” Chavez said.

The items will be collected and then given to the American Youth Center. Due to the enthusiasm displayed this year, it is highly possible that the clothes drive will occur again next year.

Chavez said, “Students can learn about this cause from the e-mail announcement, from Facebook, message board postings and finding drop-off boxes which I have placed in some residence areas for convenient access.”

The drop-off boxes were located at various dorms like Potomac Heights, Eisenhower Hall and Hanover Hall. In addition, boxes were placed at the Chesapeake Area Desk within Piedmont Hall and in Building No. 5 within the Student Apartments.

“Due to the success we have had, I am happy to announce that I have extended to drive for an additional week. It makes me happy that the Mason community has responded so well,” Chavez said.

With the newly acquired items, the HSA is hoping to benefit the community in more ways than one.

Chavez said, “I am really impressed with the amount of donations we have gotten, and are still receiving.”
With the success of the clothes drive, the HSA is also busy preparing for next semester with the HSA Executive Board elections. On Wednesday, the organization will hold the election roundtable by allowing candidates to give presentations to the members. Each nominee is required to give a one-minute speech summarizing their goals next year.

The elections will be held in the Johnson Center on the third floor in Room C at 8:30 p.m. In order to run for a position, the candidate must have a 2.0 GPA and be enrolled at Mason for the 2008-2009 academic year.

Positions that are available include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, community service chair, fundraising chair, historian, Web master and two positions are available for public relations chair.

For more information about the HSA, e-mail hsa@gmu.edu.

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