March 2008

LETTER: Town Hall Meetings

Letter to the Editor

The Student Government motto in our office reads, “Serving you and needs of the Mason community.” In order to truly serve you, the GMU Student Government must hear your needs. Whether positive or negative, comments regarding your experience at George Mason University can be directed to us. We hear many concerns and complaints about student services, campus life, and the lack of pride at this university. Depending on whom you talk to you, the gamut ranges on how well Student Government actually addresses the issues of the student body. Instead of complaining to friends and their friends about what you do or do not like at this institution, voice those opinions to our organization.

  • Read Connect Mason's preview of this event

BSA, College Republicans Invite Akinyemi to Mason

By Broadside Asst. News Editor Dan Abernathy
Photo by Broadside Photographer Mahmoud Lababidi

Although Black History Month has drawn to a close, George Mason University students explored and celebrated many related topics right up to the end, especially social injustice.

Greeks Breakdown Stereotypes of African-Americans

By Broadside Reporter Ethan Vaughan
Photo by Broadside Photographer Teddy Meyer

Brothers 2 Brothers, Sisters 2 Sisters, a forum focusing on gender and racial roles within the black community, took place on Thursday, Feb. 28, in the Johnson Center’s Rooms 249 and 240A.

The gathering was sponsored by a number of campus organizations, including the Office of Diversity Programs and Services, the African Students Association, Phi Beta Sigma, Inc. and Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. The two Greek chapters, a fraternity and a sorority, are primarily black in composition.

Journalist Rob Curley To Discuss Online Journalism

On March 4, George Mason University will continue its efforts to stay abreast with emerging media technologies by hosting guest speaker Rob Curley, vice president of New Media at Washington Post-Newsweek Interactive.

Tuesday’s event, the fourth of seven in the Communication Department’s spring 2008 New Media Series, will be held at 3 p.m. in SUB II, Rooms 3 and 4.

Past speakers include professionals from Gannett, USA Today and Congressional Quarterly.

Groups Hosts Series of Holocaust Events

By Broadside Asst. News Editor Daniel Abernathy

Throughout history, visual and verbal storytelling has helped unite communities, perpetuate myth and in many cases, preserve history. In late March, George Mason University will hold a two-night event intended to explore these topics and expose the current generation to the atrocities and triumphs surrounding the Holocaust.

Students for Life to Host Forum Today

By Broadside News Editor Asma Chaudhary
Photo by Rachael Dickson

According to recent advertising on Facebook, the student organization Students for Life will hold a discussion forum today at 7 p.m. in the Johnson Center Cinema. The forum titled, “Not Your Average Pro-Life Forum,” will feature different student organizations that offer opposing viewpoints.

Students Allege Inappropriate Police Behavior

By Broadside Asst. News Editor Rebecca Fulton
Photo by Broadside Photography Editor Courtney Erland

One of the two George Mason University students who agreed to an alternative punishment for attempting to steal textbooks is considering legal action against the school and Mason’s police for allegedly handling the situation inappropriately.

Lunch Break: Somalia, Primary Fever, Breakfast

By Connect Mason Reporter Rachael Dickson

Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.

The U.S. launched two missiles into a home in southern Somalia today, in what the U.S. military is calling a precision airstrike against "known terrorists." This is the third U.S. attack on targets in Somalia since the beginning of last year, Voice of America reports.

College Republicans March 4 2008

By Connect Mason Video Director Scott Williams

GMU College Republicans Josh St. Louis speaks about upcoming events and more.

Lunch Break: Parodies, Janitors, Blonde Jokes

By Connect Mason Video Director Scott Williams

Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.

With all the anticipation about the upcoming "The Dark Knight" film, it seems there is a new parody of the trailer out every week. This is by far the weirdest.