cooldas's blog

Preacher Tom Short Comes to Mason

On Monday March 16 and Tuesday March 17, preacher Tom Short talked about Christianity on the North Plaza near the Clock Tower. At first I was worried that he was another "Brother Micah";being a believer of God myself, I was afraid that this preacher would give Christians a bad name. But after listening to him for about two hours on Monday, I realized that he was preaching the Truth, and being respectful to the non-believers (who were being rude to him) by answering their questions without being judgemental or condescending.

Need More Shirts

I really wish they would have more shirts available to students on special occasion...on Testival, they kept on running out, and they ran out of Mason Nation shirts during this Welcome Week in less than 5 minutes!

Microwaves in the JC food court

Isn't anybody else tired of waiting in line just to heat up some food for a few seconds? I think it's time for a few more microwaves in the JC food court. Yes, I know that many people buy food so they don't need to use it much, but the commuters who bring their own food and students with kitchens available may need to heat up their food before they eat it. There's space between Taco Bell and one of the microwaves to put some more, so why not? I think two more microwaves should to the trick.
Also, it would be great to have some microwaves in SUB 1 as well, unless there is some already.