Preacher Tom Short Comes to Mason

On Monday March 16 and Tuesday March 17, preacher Tom Short talked about Christianity on the North Plaza near the Clock Tower. At first I was worried that he was another "Brother Micah";being a believer of God myself, I was afraid that this preacher would give Christians a bad name. But after listening to him for about two hours on Monday, I realized that he was preaching the Truth, and being respectful to the non-believers (who were being rude to him) by answering their questions without being judgemental or condescending. There were different sizes of crowds throughout the day, and a few people who questioned him: Muslims students, "Dana", a Jewish woman (who said that sex was only for procreation even within marriage), "Constantine", who questioned Tom Short on the reliability on the translations of the Bible, etc. (I talked to Constantine later and asked him what he believed in: he said he was a Christian. When I asked him if he went to church or prayed, he replied, "No.") A random man on his cellphone walked into the middle of the circle near Tom and shouted loudly, "Gay pride! Gay pride! F--- your god!" and walked away. A Muslim (?) student yelled back at him: "Hey, you can't talk about God that way!"
    On Tuesday, he was back, and this time, there was an even bigger crowd of people around him in a circle. A pagan (?) male, Scott, asked him questions interrupting every few minutes, and there were more angry people. An angry girl who was on Tom's side came and sat near him and listened. Tom told a story about how his friend was telling him about Muslims in India who were having dreams about Jesus, althoug they had never heard of him before. A girl from Sri Lanka who used to be a Buddhist came out of the audience and shared her testimony, pleading with the crowd to give Christianity a chance, and to read the Bible. A non-Christian male student who apparently was yelling at Tom in the morning, came back and shook Tom's hand and thanked him for not being like the other preachers who came to Mason. Another male student walking by went up to Tom and gave him a Mountain Dew and shook his hand.