Katie Miller

Dorm Room Feasts Tips and Secrets to Having an Away-from-Home Thanksgiving

By Katie Miller, Staff Writer

Thanksgiving is a day for spending quality time with loved ones and of course, eating an inordinate amount of comfort food. Between yams, turkey and stuffing, many take great pride in how many servings they can push down or who can get the drum sticks.

Food in the Bedroom: These Snacks Will Get You in the Sack

By Katie Miller, Staff Writer

When used appropriately, food can do more than just satisfy your stomach.

Touted as sure-fire performance enhancers, aphrodisiacs have ignited sexual desires for centuries.
The sexual power of certain food’s tastes and textures can bring new flavor and excitement to any relationship.

Sadly, most of the beliefs about aphrodisiac’s ability to improve your libido are simply myths that have survived centuries of oral tradition (pun intended).