Student Life
Earthlings learn to speak out of this world language: Klingon inventor speaks to students
|Star Trek is not just for geeks anymore. J.J. Abrams recent resurrection of the Star Trek franchise proved that. Capturing the attention of a whole new generation of trekkies, Abram’s installment beamed up younger fans to the Enterprise who were just being introduced to Captain James T. Kirk for the first time.
In my own words…
|Hi, my name is Erin Thompson and I am a senior in the George Mason University LIFE Program. I have been eating a gluten-free diet since I was 7 years old.
At the beginning, my parents and I didn’t exactly know what the problem with my health was. I was sick and was losing weight. I went to many doctors, and one told me that I had celiac disease. Celiac is made of oats, barley and rye. The only foods that are safe for me are rice, gluten-free bread, gluten-free English muffins, gluten-free muffins and shrimp.
Great Mason Dates: Students Weigh in On Their Favorite Date Ideas
|This list contains the top 10 affordable ($30 or less) date ideas accessible by George Mason University transportation, which were received by Sexual Assault Services during Healthy Relationships Week.
Your Body is a Wonderland: Love Your Body Week Promotes Healthy Body Images
|Last week, George Mason University celebrated Love Your Body Week. The week, which was hosted by the Eating Disorders and Positive Body Image Awareness Taskforce, aimed to encourage students to love themselves no matter what they look like.
A Dirty Word No More: Confidence on Display at This Year’s Vagina Monologues
|“Vagina” — the word is taboo, yet when used in the right context, so intriguing. For most people, it’s an evil-sounding word. It’s unsettling, upsetting and inappropriate. Heck, one might even wince at the sound of it. Despite this social bias, the women in last weekend’s performance of The Vagina Monologues at George Mason University broke through that awkward shell and put on a spectacular show.