‘Snowverkill’ Continues, Mason Cancels Classes for Fourth Day


George Mason University will remain closed a fourth full day this week due to inclement weather. According to a public announcement and confirmed by a member of public relations, it will operate normal business hours Friday.
(Photo taken via camera phone by C2M Executive Editor Kevin Loker)

With several sidewalks and roads still covered in ice and snow –and winds bustling as high as nearly 40 mph – George Mason University will remain closed tomorrow, Feb. 11. The University will operate normal hours Friday, Feb. 12, according to the University’s website and a public relations spokesperson.

The decision marks the fourth full day of classes in the spring semester to be canceled due to inclement weather.

Press Secretary Dan Walsch confirmed the decision early Wednesday evening, citing safety concerns on and off campus and tomorrow’s projected weather all as factors in the decision.

“Maintenance, the snow—it’s all a part of it,” said Walsch. “But we will reopen Friday.”

According to Walsch, a day of work tomorrow is necessary for maintenance to assure a safe work day and schedule of classes.

Many students weren’t surprised by the decision.

“I’m not surprised at all. Have you seen Patriot Circle?” said Jonathan Sumrall, a freshman electrical engineering major. “There’s still three inches of ice on the road “

“I can’t see how students and faculty and staff can be expected to drive here under these conditions,” said junior business major Stephanie Longueira.

For those using mass transit, Metrorail service Thursday will remain limited to underground stations, according to the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority. Metrobus, as well Mason Shuttles and CUE bus service are also expected to remain suspended on Thursday, further stranding many of Mason’s commuters for another snow day.

“It’s not very safe,” said Kevin Wadener, a freshman film and video studies major, of Mason’s commuter population and the University’s hope to open Friday.

According to Regional District Manager of Sodexo Denise Ammaccapane, Dining Services will to continue to operate its services tomorrow as they have throughout the recent snowstorms. Management and staff will be staying overnight once again at a nearby hotel, as they did this past weekend and last night, in order to provide the service.

“Just even driving back to the hotel, the roads have greatly improved from yesterday,” said Ammaccapane. “Hopefully one more night of this and things will be back to normal.”


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