Breastival Moves Indoors, Carries On Events

 By C2M Staff Reporter Rachael Dickson

Neither pouring rain nor temperatures in the 40s could keep Breastival from spreading its message of hooters-love and breast cancer awareness.

The pink-strewn, boob-decorated festival celebrated its third anniversary in Student Union Building I instead of the North Plaza this year. Organizer Danielle Lapierre, the Assistant Director of Alcohol, Drug and Health Education, said the event was a success despite the weather conditions.

"I was worried about the rain; we knew we couldn't run it outside with the way things are," Lapierre said. "But we've gotten probably the equivalent of what we had last year."

Photo by Student Media Photography Manager Peter Flint

Members of the Student Nursing Association taught attendees how to conduct self-breast exams using silicon breast dummies.

"Breastival's purpose is to increase awareness about Breast Cancer and to inform woman at this age that it's really important to do self-exams," Lapierre said. Though women in the typical student's age group are not at high risk, "It's about preparing and preventing in the future."

Students got to play several games such as Tit Tac Toe, Pin the Nipple on the Boob, and Celebrity Boobs. More competitive types could race to see who could write down the most slang words for "breasts." Other games such as Tittial Pursuit educated attendees with Breast Cancer facts.

"We're trying to present the information in a fun way," Lapierre said. "If we just had an event that was called 'This Cancer Could Kill You,' no one would come."

Students could get a Breastival shirt, decorated with multi-colored cartoon ta-tas, by filling out a survey and getting intials from three of the vendors. Over 300 were given away. Cups and breast-shaped cupcakes were also given away.

Not all the attendees were comfortable with Breastival's in-your-face message.

Freshman Matt Wheeler seemed particularly uncomfortable with the event.

"There's a lot of stuff I'm not so sure about," Wheeler said. "It's great for some people, but for others, it could be a little much."

Breastival is only one of many hooters-centered events at Mason during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Mason is collecting bras in conjunction with Bras Across DC for Hot 99.5 and the American Cancer Society. The donated bras will be strung around the Reflecting Pool on the National Mall on Oct. 30 to raise breast cancer awareness, and then will be donated to charity afterwards. Bras can be dropped off in various locations around campus until Oct. 25.

Students can sign up for Breast Health Awareness workshops on Oct. 27 and 29 from noon to 1 p.m. by contacting Danielle Lapierre at Eligible students can get a free mammogram from the Mobile Mammography Program on Oct. 21. Call 202-741-3252 to determine eligibility and make an appointment.


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