Campus News In Brief

Compiled By Broadside News Editor Kevin Loker

Farmers’ Market Opens On-Campus Wednesday

Mason will be opening a “weekly, sustainable and guaranteed, producer-only farmers’ market” this Wednesday, April 22, at the Johnson Center North Plaza. The market, managed through University Services in conjunction with Northern Virginia’s Smart Markets, Inc., will feature a variety of local products including value-added products, dairy products and produce.

The market will run from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday for the farmers’ market season, which runs through mid-October. Smart Market, on other days of the week, will also be operating farmers’ markets at Fairfax Corner, Reston Towne Center, Centreville, Oakton and Purcellville.

Many university entities have expressed support for the project including University Life, Office of Sustainability, Student Government, Center for Leadership and Community Engagement and the GMU Environmental Awareness Group.

Time Remains for Student QEP Input

Students have until Tuesday, April 28, to complete an online survey in which they can evaluate and rank each of the three topic finalists in Mason’s Quality Enhancement Plan. The planning committee for the QEP will use input from the anonymous survey to help gauge student opinion and select the university’s final QEP topic by the end of the spring semester.

The QEP is a five-year plan designed to engage the entire Mason community across all departments and disciplines and is a component of the university’s reaffirmation of accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

The three finalists plans are Cultivating Global Perspectives, Fostering a Culture of Student Scholarship, and Social Innovators and Social Entrepreneurs: 21st Century-Leaders of Change.

More information on the QEP selection process, as well as the link to the student-input survey, can be found online at

New Mason Song Available Through iTunes

Students can now download Mason’s new song “Patriot Pride” through iTunes.

The song was composed by Mason alum and current graduate student Vincent Oppido with lyrics by professor Rick Davis. Davis says the lyrics were partially inspired by the university’s namesake and the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

“Patriot Pride” will be performed at Mason’s commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 16, at 10 a.m. in the Patriot Center.

To download the song, visit

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