Campus News in Brief

Compiled by Justin Petrisek, Interim Assistant News Editor, and Kevin Loker, News Editor

Bookstore Brings Back Buyback Contest for Textbooks

The Mason Bookstore announced the return of its Buyback Contest for the end of the spring semester. The contest is open to all student groups and organizations and runs from May 4 through May 13.

Students who sell back their textbooks through the contest will earn points for their organization. The student who sells back the book will receive cash in the buyback, and the organization will earn points within the contest. At the end of the week, the points will be tallied, and the organization with the most points will be awarded $300.

Students may participate in the contest and sell back their books at the three bookstore sponsored locations: Southside, Eisenhower Hall and the Johnson Center (Room 116).

Students Available to Discuss Involvement with Virginia
Non-Profit Organization

Three Mason students will be available in the Johnson Center today, April 27, to discuss opportunities to help the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Organization, a Virginia non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing abandoned or displaced dogs and cats from the threat of euthanasia by area shelters or other at-risk situations.

Students interested in donating or volunteering with the organization may ask questions at Kiosk F in the JC, from 2 - 4 p.m.

More information about the non-profit, including information on its weekly animal adoptions at local PetSmarts, can be found online at

New Transfer Student Society to Induct Members

Mason’s newly established Tau Sigma National Honor Society for transfer students will soon induct its first members. The induction ceremony will take place Friday, May 1 at the Verizon Auditorium on the Prince William campus from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tau Sigma is the first honor society at Mason specifically for transfer students
One hundred and five students have been accepted into the society.

Student Newspaper EIC Elected for 2009-2010 Academic Year

Emily Sharrer has been elected Broadside's Editor in Chief for the 2009-2010 academic year. Elections were held through secret ballot last Friday, April 24, after each candidate gave a brief presentation of their objectives and proposal and took part in a period of questions and answers with the staff.

Sharrer, a sophomore communication major, currently serves as editor of the newspaper’s Style section. She also serves as Speakers Chair for Mason’s chapter of Society of Professional Journalists.

Current Editor-in-Chief Nicole Ocran and writer and distributer Ryan Dempsey also campaigned for the position.

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