Creating a Healthier Campus Community

By Broadside Contributor Dan Waxman

Through University Services, many efforts have been taken to create a healthier university. Dining Services, the Child Development Center and Student Centers have taken steps to help create a healthier George Mason University community.

Dining Services

Dining Services offers vegetarian and vegan options at the Worldatarian station. It also features options for those who have a gluten-free diet. Lois Durant, a registered dietician, highlighted that the pizza in Southside is made there and has a whole-wheat crust. Changing Colors, the Southside salad bar, also features more variety than Ciao Hall.

Located near the entrance of Southside is now a computer with access to Through this website, students can keep track of calories, find recipes that are made at Southside and the Bistro and learn about different topics concerning the mind, body and soul. One of the topics, according to Durant, describes how houseplants help to absorb fumes.

Durant assists students with nutrition counseling and gives talks on nutrition. During one of her talks, she stated, “my main focus is to encourage students to reduce portion sizes, to enjoy their favorite foods, but in small amounts and to balance higher calorie foods with healthier ones and physical activity.” She also plans to offer a six-week weight management class for students in the future.

In conjunction with several other people, Durant is working on a Health and Fitness Expo on March 26, tentatively in Dewberry Hall from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For questions regarding the Health and Fitness event, please contact Megan Shull at

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center has a week called “Healthy Habits” which teaches students about how to be healthy. Some of the habits taught include brushing teeth and hand washing. The week also teaches about nutrition and the food pyramid. Jennifer Arnowitz, the lead teacher for the Polar Bears class, said, “We want [the students] to get habits early when young and stick with them when older.”

Student Centers

Student Centers, partnered with the Housekeeping Department, use healthier cleaning products. These products are healthier not just for the employees, but also for the Mason community at large.

Student Centers also has hand sanitizers located in the Johnson Center in the food court. “We are investigating expanding this program to other dining locations,” said August Runge, assistant director of facilities maintenance for student centers.

Living the Green Life

Here are three easy ways to help live a healthier campus life
•Wash your hands
•Add exercise into your weekly routine
•Watch what you are eating

Green Calendar

Monday, Feb. 16:
Visit the Environmental Awareness Group at Kiosk F in the JC to learn about the Patriot Green Fund from 12-4 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb. 17:
Third roundtable discussion in the Mason Energy Roundtable Series: The focus will be on nuclear power, entitled “Nuclear Power: The Next Generation.” Seating begins at 4:30 p.m. in Research I, room 163. For more details and to reserve a seat, please contact Colin Bennett in Mason’s Office of Sustainability at

Wednesday, Feb. 18:
Visit the Environmental Awareness Group at Kiosk C in the JC to learn about the Patriot Green Fund from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 18:
Wear a green shirt and join in the Green Spirit at the basketball game when Mason plays Drexel at 7 p.m. at the Patriot Center.
Cheer for Climate Action t-shirts are available for only $6.50 at the Environmental Science & Policy office, 3043 David King Hall, or from Carrie Meyer, Dept of Economics, Games are FREE for students with a Mason ID.

For more green events please visit:
Dan Waxman is the Sustainability Projects Manager for University Services and can be contacted at

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