Earth Week Starts Today

By Broadside Style Editor Emily Sharrer

Beginning today, the Office of Sustainability, in conjunction with university sponsors Parking and Transportation and University Services, will host a full schedule of on-campus events for Earth Week 2009.

Campus activities coincide with the national celebration of Earth Week, which is centered around Earth Day—a day promoting environmental awareness—which takes place each year on April 22.

To kick off the week’s festivities, students are invited to check out the BioTour Veggie-Oil Bus, a biodiesel bus that runs on vegetable oil. The bus will be on display near the Mason statue from 10:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. today. At 4:30 p.m., anybody interested in learning more about the bus as well as its maker, BioTour—a non-profit that travels the country on the buses—is invited to Research I, room 163 for the Living Sustainability Presentation.

Other green events include:

Energy and Climate Policy Discussion featuring congressperson Gerry Connolly and State Senator Chap Petersen will take place this evening from 6-8 p.m. in Student Union Building II, rooms A, B and C.

Environmental Justice Panel with National Campus Climate Coordinator Kari Fulton will be held in the SUB II Ballroom from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday.
To see the full listing of events, visit

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