Help All Students: Kyle & Jillian

Kyle McDaniel
Photo by Courtney Erland.
Student Government Candidate Kyle McDaniel.

Why are you running for office?

McDaniel: To help people, to help students. Anything that the Student Government can do to ease a little bit of pressure, that’s what we need to be doing. That’s why I’m running.

Do you have a specific campaign platform?

McDaniel: My plan to help all students consists of three key issues. The first issue is controlling spending from the student government, spending money better. The second issue is increasing student representation in student government through informal things like inviting students over to meetings, posting the bills, minutes, and resolutions online, doing electronic newsletters, things like that. The third thing I want to do is be a more effective advocate with the administration. The administration needs to understand that the needs of the students should be coming first and the student government can be the person and the entity to convey that.

What do you anticipate as being the main responsibilities of office?

McDaniel: I think my top responsibility will be to watch out for students, being a watchdog for students, not a lap dog for the administration, if you will.

What do you see as the most important issue that needs to be addressed by SG, and what is your approach to solving it?

McDaniel: There are two things: the spending and the representation. Unfortunately, there seems to be this sentiment that if you want to do anything with Student Government, you have to drop everything to be in Student Government, and that’s not fair. The second thing is going to be the spending within Student Government. A bill was proposed to spend [over $5000] on coffee cups. I don’t agree with that. I don’t agree with giving organizations money to sponsor their events—that is what [the] student funding board is for.

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