Hundreds to Walk Patriot Circle to Prevent Suicide on Saturday

By C2M Staff Reporter Rachael Dickson

Over 32,000 people die of suicide in the United States every year. Tomorrow, hundreds of people will walk Mason's campus in an effort to prevent suicide from occurring.

The Fairfax NOVA Suicide Prevention Walk is organized through Out of the Darkness Community Walks, which puts together walks throughout the country. Walkers raise money through donations for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to fund research, education, and programs for suicide awareness and survivors.

Mason's Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society, an honor society for students who happen to have a disability, has worked to advertise the walk on campus and get students involved.

"Our goal was to get the students involved and let them know what it is," President Katelyn Sexton said. "Hopefully in the future it'll be recurring on campus and once people are aware of it, we can get more funds and donations."

People can still sign up for the walk online at  or register tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. Donations can be submitted until Dec. 31.

The 2009 Fairfax NOVA Out of the Darkness Walk  takes place this Saturday at Patriot Circle. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Participants will walk around Patriot Circle twice. Dr. Lawrence Riso and CrisisLink Executive Director Linda Eatmon-Jones will speak as well.

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