Sodexo workers strike, plan rally for afternoon

A SEIU employee speaks to a Mason Dining worker on the Johnson Center North Plaza. (George Yanez)
UPDATED: 09/08/10 12:20 p.m.
A group of George Mason University's Sodexo-employed dining workers have gone on strike today in order to protest alleged unsafe working conditions in Mason's dining locations, closing many of the university’s single-person operations, one of its dining venues, and continuing unionization efforts from last spring.
The number of workers on strike remains disputed. As of about 11:15 a.m., Mason Dining estimated the number of workers who did not show up for work to be about 40. Matt Painter, a representative from Service Employees International Union, the organization that has helped organize the strike and rally, estimates the number at close to 100.
According to Painter, SEIU organizers expect the number to grow over 100 as the day’s second and third shift end. A rally is planned for 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of Braddock Road and Roanoke Road.
A small number of Sodexo workers from other locations and about 10 SEIU employees are on campus and in Fairfax for today’s activities, according to Painter.
Carrying over rumors and allegations of SEIU tactics from last spring, Resident District Manager of Sodexo and head of Mason Dining Denise Ammaccapane alleges hearing SEIU members in purple shirts on campus telling dining workers on their way to their jobs that “Sodexo is closed today.”
When approached for comment directly, those in purple SEIU attire on the Johnson Center’s North Plaza referred C2M to Painter. When asked about the possible misguidance, Painter said he hasn’t personally heard of such an occurrence.
Two Jazzman’s locations, Café a la Carte and the Jazzman’s in the Prince William campus have closed operations for the day on account of the strike. According to Ammaccapane, Mason Dining has also closed the George’s dining venue on the third floor of the Johnson Center in order to consolidate employees and keep operations open.
Several workers from a temp agency, who were on-campus yesterday in anticipation of an event, have filled in gaps in the work force.
“We’re ready on any day this is going to happen. We have a plan,” said Ammaccapane. “Our focus is to feed every body and keep employees and customers safe.”
As Broadside earlier reported, a group of workers plans to share their problems and concerns with Sodexo to the student body at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in the Johnson Center Cinema.
>> Read the press release from this morning
>> Search past C2M coverages for SEIU
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