Mason Votes Promotes 2008 Election Involvement

By Broadside Editor-in-Chief Nicole Ocran

Today, the Mason Votes campaign will be launching its website, providing a one-stop shop for election news and political information for the Mason community.

The website can be found at, and provides voting information and a list of places where you can register to vote on campus.

Information on the 2008 presidential candidates — John McCain, Barack Obama, Cynthia McKinney, and Bob Barr — are listed at the top with links to the candidates websites.

Over the summer, the Election 2008 Committee met to discuss ways to get the campus more involved in the upcoming presidential election. The Election 2008 Committee is non-partisan organization, whose goal is to urge students to learn more about the issues, and register to vote in person or within an absentee ballot.

The committee’s mission is to “encourage campus-wide involvement, and there will be many opportunities to share in the excitement of the election process,” said Michele Braithwaite of University Life.

A Mason Votes calendar of events located beneath provides site visitors with political event dates starting with the upcoming national conventions, on through election day, and then into Inauguration.

Many faculty members are incorporating the campaign season into their classes with films, speakers and discussions throughout the fall. Student-run political blogs are also fed through the site.

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