PHOTOS: Students Handle Exam Stress

We're halfway through final projects and exams, and students are doing their best to study hard and get good grades. C2M Reporter Brenda Shepard went around campus to find out what techniques Mason students are using to make it through the last week of the semester. See their responses below, and comment with your own.

Photo by Brenda Shepard

  • Junior government and international politics major Kaitlynn Seekins: “To prepare for studying I usually make flashcards and note cards way in advance of my exams and then I just study, study, study.”

Read below for more student responses on surviving final exams.

Photo by Brenda Shepard

  • Right: Sophomore conservational and environmental biology major Kassandra Jackson: “I guess I’m not really stressed if I put effort into the class beforehand. It’s more just intense reviewing for the test. To deal with the stress I make schedules for each day and what my goal is study wise and I try and stick with that so it’s not all leaving it all to the night before.”

  • Photo by Brenda Shepard

    • Left: Sophomore civil engineering major John Guenther: “I’m pretty stressed about exams, Statics and Dynamics followed by Differential Equations will be pretty tough on Wednesday, but I’m going to study pretty hard and hopefully it will work out.”

    Photo by Brenda Shepard

  • Freshman Andrew Decelle: “Usually with exams I try not to stress as much as possible and the only way I can do that is if I make study sheets and study guides way before hand so I don’t wind up having to cram. Then I try to work on the papers gradually, but a lot of the time I wind up putting papers off until the last minute.”

  • How are you surviving exams? Leave your response in the comments.

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