Student Media

Broadside: Weekly print news. Its staff is committed to high standards of reporting conveyed in genuine, well-written prose.

WGMU: The pulse of Mason, the station for students with music in their veins. WGMU provides an eclectic collection of music presented by students and faculty from GMU.

Mason Cable Network: A television outlet run by the students, for the students. MCN gives Mason students what they want: informative, analytical, and entertaining programming.

VoxPop: This diversity magazine moves beyond multicultural bragging rights to let Mason students tell their own stories.

GMView: Senior Expressions and a 30-minute DVD capture the memory of Mason.

George Mason Review: This publication serves the Mason community by encouraging student writers to find their voices and by demonstrating to student readers that good writing matters.

Hispanic Culture Review: This publication discusses the culture, language, or literature of Spanish-speaking countries while maintaining high standards of form.

Phoebe: A publication that insists that reading can be both vigorously intellectual and entertaining, and the work it publishes succeeds on its own terms.

So To Speak: This publication addresses issues of significance to women's lives and movements for women's equality, particularly issues of race, class, and sexuality in relation to gender.

Volition: This publication's innovative spirit inspires students to take creative risks and to gain recognition on campus.