Students Learn About Sex And Chocolate

The goal of Sexual Chocolate was to educate student about sex and STDs, but the event used a chocolate fountain and free condoms to lure students to Dewberry Hall Tuesday night.

Members of Mason's Student Nurses Association were available to answer questions.

For more photos and the Broadside article about this event, click READ MORE below.

Condoms were distributed at Sexual Chocolate

Condoms were handed out to promote safe sex.

Chocolate Fountain

A chocolate fountain helped get students to attend.

Students were educated about safe sex practices.

Students were educated about safe sex practices and STD awareness.

Photos by Connect2Mason Podcast Director Matt Loffman.


from Broadside:

Sexual Chocolate

Students Learn Safe Sex Practics at Welcome Week Event

by Broadside Staff Writer Marian McLaughlin

The idea worked perfectly — attracting students to a safer sex talk with free chocolate and condoms.

The Office of Alcohol, Drug and Health Education called the event “Sexual Chocolate,” using it as an amicable way to educate students about sexual health issues.

The hour-long event owed much of its light-hearted nature to Danielle Lapierre, the Assistant Director of the OADHE.

Lapierre combined her genuine interest to share information with humorous side notes.

Her incredible enthusiasm made a generic sex-ed talk more engaging for a group of college students.

Lisa Bradley, a nursing major and the president of the Student Nurse Association, said, “when educators are the same age, students are more open to listening and talking about issues.”

That factor definitely had its impact. Lapierre was able to deliver an informative PowerPoint presentation while keeping the sex-ed material that we had all heard in the middle school funny and fresh.

There was never a stiff moment in her presentation, and when awkward slides popped up, such as how to insert a female condom, Lapierre proudly explained the procedure.

She even pointed out that the lid of the female condom could provide extra clitoral stimulation, something that one would never hear from a public school health teacher.

She also suggested that if your partner might have oral herpes, you might want to “whip out the dental dam before you kiss.”

A dental dam is a latex sheet that is used to put over orifices during oral stimulation.

It is supposed to prevent the transmission of bodily fluids from one orifice to another.

Where it might seem reasonable for oral sex, it seems bizarre to try using dental dam for kissing.

The discussion released important facts that students may not have been aware of previously, such as the fact that there is a difference between STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

STIs, however, are becoming the preferred acronym, since the word disease carries a negative stigma. STIs are treatable, but not curable, meaning the infection never leaves the body.

Also, many STIs are asymptomatic, meaning there are no symptoms at all. Lapierre also insisted that people should wear condoms for the whole sexual activity, since pre-ejaculatory fluid can contain the highest amount of HIV.

Chocolate, which shared the title of the event, found its way into the discussion through facts that linked chocolate to higher endorphin levels.

This means that consuming chocolate can create good feelings and heighten sexual libido.

Lapierre’s professional knowledge and confidence took the embarrassment out of all situations.

John Vorndran, part of the advanced production team, said the event was incredibly successful. Sex and chocolate, what could be better?”

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