Tennis: Mason's Own USTA Team

By Broadside Managing Editor Sherell Williams

The George Mason University Tennis Club is the latest club sport to join the list of intramural sports offered at Mason. Created by co-presidents sophomore Michelle Le and sophomore Mike Pippa, the club is open to all Mason students regardless of experience.

According to Le, the club’s purpose is to “provide an intercollegiate tennis team for all Mason students who wish to continue to play tennis actively at a competitive level.”

“Tennis is a very popular sport and it is a shame that we haven't had a tennis club for a while,” said Pippa. “The club provides students another way to participate in extracurricular activities. Also, it will give upcoming freshmen that were former high school tennis players an opportunity to not let tennis vanish from their life,” said Pippa.

In order to join and be recognized as an active member, students must turn in all
required forms and pay the chapter’s semester dues, which are currently $10. Members are also required to attend mandatory practices based on their section and provide their own racquet.

The club is comprised of two sections: competitive and non-competitive. “Competitive is the actual team that plays against other clubs [which requires members to come to two practices per week]. Non-competitive is the section where it’s more just hitting with other players here at Mason and learning more about the game. [Noncompetitive members] are required to come to one practice per week,” said Pippa.

“Most members in the noncompetitive section are new to tennis. Having the opportunity to learn how to play without expense is definitely something that keeps our member count so high,” said Le.

Planning for the club began last summer, but they were officially recognized in the fall of 2008. Mason Women’s Tennis Assistant Coach Chris Tran approached Le about starting a tennis club on campus. With the help of Robert Spousa, Pippa,
and a United States Tennis Association representative, the club became an official chapter of the USTA VA-League.

Le says she hopes the club will participate in the USTA VA-League Tennis on Campus tournament and begin coordinating fundraisers for new equipment and uniforms.

General body meetings for the club are held once a month. Students interested in joining can e-mail Le or Pippa at

Meeting dates and other club events are also posted to the club’s Facebook group which can be found by searching GMU Tennis Club. Their website, lubtennis/, is currently under construction.

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