We Believe in Results: Anthony & Krista

Anthony DiCarlo and Krista Muise
Photo by Courtney Erland.
Student Government Candidates Anthony DiCarlo and Krista Muise.

Why are you running for office?

DiCarlo: We have a very strong passion for really working to help out students. We just feel like in terms of our experience and in terms of the connections we’ve made, we really know what it takes to get stuff done.
Muise: We want people to be just as proud to be here as we are so we can get other students to feel the same way and have that same Patriot Pride. That’s what it’s all about for us.

Do you have a specific campaign platform?

DiCarlo: Based upon our website, we address the key issues that have been brought up, not just this year, but in years past, you know it’s housing, dining, tuition, parking and really there’s only so much that Student Government can really do to affect those things. The Student Government is really an advocacy group on behalf of students in terms of advocating to the administration, advocating to the BOV.
Muise: Our platform is basically focused on a vision centered around communication and results.

What do you anticipate as being the main responsibilities of office?

DiCarlo: There’s no way that you can really advocate for all students all the time all at once. But, what you really need to do is remember that you are there to serve the students and you yourself are a student. You are in no way shape or form above the students because you are Student Body President. I think that’s our job to make sure that [students are] involved.

What do you see as the most important issue that needs to be addressed by SG, and what is your approach to solving it?

Muise: It all comes down to advertising and transparency of what Student Government does. I think there’s a lot of confusion about what Student Government does only because we haven’t done a good enough job of getting that information out there to students.
DiCarlo: Getting involved in the process is half the battle. To do that, you have to do the marketing.

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