Class Connection Provides Material and Collaboration
By Broadside Correspondent Mary Carpenter
For those who wish to become a tutor or need one for a class, The Class Connection might help. The site began at the University of Wisconsin when two students decided to create a Web site to make it easier to study for exams and prepare for classes. Christopher Klündt, the CEO and president, Hicham Bouabdallah, the chief technology officer, Ben Jedd, the chief communications officer, and Eric Wuebben, creative director, now make this Web site possible.
The Class Connection is available to numerous colleges across the United States. Though the new Web site is just starting out, it is already filled with helpful information to help students study for exams. On the Web site, George Mason University students can search notes and textbooks for their classes, as well as for other schools.
Becaues this is new to Mason, there are only seven members, so there is not much information about university classes. However, students can still search for textbooks and notes from other colleges. If a student is new to the Web site, there is an option to login as a demo user to see all the features offered. First time users must register in order to access all the tools.
To register, give an e-mail address, make a password and provide school information. After registering, the Web site prompts you to add classes of your own. Then you can add notes and make flashcards, make study groups or become a tutor. Also, you can add friends or invite people to join, send messages to each other and post comments, similar to Facebook.
Not only does it help students study, but the Web site also has access to Google, Wikipedia and an online dictionary. Users can make a study sheet from their own notes or from other notes found online.
The Class Connection lets students buy textbooks, look up summaries and find notes from other students studying the same subject. And not only can users get notes that are posted by students, but also notes that are posted by professors.
The site has resources to help get organized with work and help set up different ways to study, which will help in preparation for classes. While The more students join the Web site, the more beneficial it will become for all Mason students.
This is a great way to get group projects done as well. By using the study group tool on Class Connection, students can post any information about a project, talk to group members and post times and places for the group to meet.
Tutors can be sought through this Web site. Also, there is a calendar tool where schedules can be written, such as due dates. It is a great way to stay organized, and it saves all old class notes.