Register upgrades cause technical issues at Ike’s, Starbucks

Because of issues with new register systems, Ike's was one of two late-night dining venues that closed early Friday. (Daniel McEnrue).
UPDATED: 09/05/10 12:16 p.m.
Unrelated to the electrical problems that caused Pilot House to close Thursday, Starbucks and Ike’s were forced to close early Friday night due to technical issues of their own.
Licensing issues have slowed the conversion to the register systems at several locations, including Starbucks, Ike’s and Rathskellar, according to Denise Ammaccapane, Resident District Manager of Mason Dining. “There are three different register systems on campus, two of them we’ve been having trouble with,” said Ammaccapane. “Fortunately, there are a lot of different dining options on campus for when these issues occur.”
The ongoing problem forced both Ike’s and Starbuck’s to close around 11pm Friday night, prior to their scheduled closing times.
Despite the setbacks, Starbucks is now operational and Ike’s resumed service beginning at 9 p.m. Saturday evening.
Due to the Labor Day scheduling, Rathskeller will be closed for the long weekend and should reopen Tuesday at 11 a.m.