UPDATE: Potentially dangerous juvenile recently spotted on campus 'still at large'
UPDATES: This story is developing. All updates will be posted below the original story and are linked below. Check back for updates and the latest information, or following @connect2mason on Twitter.

>> 3 p.m. Oct. 11 No more reported sighting on campus, but whereabouts still unknown
A potentially dangerous runaway from a juvenile detention facility was seen recently on the George Mason University Fairfax campus, and Mason Police are asking for help in locating him.
The individual is described as a "Juvenile Male 15 years of age Asian 5’7” height 155 lbs. Black Hair Brown Eyes." He was last seen wearing a "Gray T-Shirt or Sweatshirt Bluish/Greenish Pants Bright Orange Shoes."
George Ginovsky, assistant chief of police for University Police, said he was deemed potentially dangerous because of a history of edged weapons use.
According to Ginovsky, in the last few days, the individual has been seen in the Student Apartments knocking on doors looking for a place to crash.
Mason Police are asking students and faculty to not approach him and to call 911 immediately.
The original Mason Alert text message read:
Mason Alert: Police need your help in locating an individual who has been seen on campus. Check email.
The following message was sent out through the Mason Alert e-mail system.
University Police need your help in locating the following individual described as follows: Juvenile Male 15 years of age Asian 5’7” height 155 lbs. Black Hair Brown Eyes. Last seen wearing Gray T-Shirt or Sweatshirt Bluish/Greenish Pants Bright Orange Shoes This individual is a runaway from a Juvenile Detention facility and may be dangerous. He has recently been seen on campus. If you see him, do not approach him. Call Campus Police 911 immediately.
Follow @connect2mason on Twitter for the latest updates and more information.
Housing sent an e-mail to all residents shortly after 5 p.m. regarding the "suspicious person" described in the Mason Alert. The message states the individual has been attempting to gain entrance to residence halls, and instructs residents to contact University Police at 703-993-2810.
The e-mail, which is posted below, also outlines steps to maintain "a safe residential environment."
Good afternoon residents,
Please be aware that George Mason University Police have issued a Mason Alert regarding a suspicious person seen on campus. This individual has been attempting to gain entrance to the residence halls. He is an Asian male, 15 years of age, wearing a gray t-shirt, greenish/bluish pants, and bright orange shoes. If you see this person, please contact University Police at 703-993-2810.
You can help maintain a safe residential environment by following these safety tips:
* Don't allow unknown persons into the residence halls.
* Keep your doors and windows locked.
* Do not prop open doors, even for a short period of time.
* Walk around campus with other students, especially at night.
* Notify George Mason University Police (703-993-2810) or the Office
of Housing and Residence Life (703-993-2720) of safety concerns.
Thank you for your attention to this incident.
The juvenile runaway sighted around campus and described by police as "potentially dangerous" is still at large, said Ginovsky, who spoke with Connect2Mason Monday afternoon.There have been no more sightings of him on campus since the last report, he said.
According to Ginovsky, the individual is a runaway from the Less Secure Shelter in Fairfax. The Fairfax County website describes the Less Secure Shelter as "a non-secure facility serving boys and girls, ages 10 to 17, who are Children in Need of Supervision or Services, and delinquent offenders with minor criminal records."
Connect2Mason also clarified what constitutes as an "edged weapon." According to Ginovsky, this includes "a knife" or anything that can be fashioned to cut, like scissors.
Ginovsky said that the Mason police have been talking with Fairfax police regarding this case.