Mason sophomore discusses potential of ROTC Naval Unit on campus

The addition of a Navy ROTC unit would expand military service options for Mason students. (Official U.S. Navy Imagery).

George Mason University's ROTC office is seeking to establish a Naval Unit on its Fairfax campus. The Navy-affiliate program would join existing the existing Army ROTC unit.


Mason sophomore, Grant LaRock, is a voice behind the initiative he sat down with Connect2Mason to share some insight into the initiative.


C2M: How many colleges have a Naval/Marine ROTC unit? Not Mason?

LaRock: There are about 70+ universities in the US that have NROTC programs. I believe Virginia has about seven [colleges]. Mason doesn’t have one because an effort hasn’t been made to bring one to the school.

C2M: What needs to be done to bring a Naval/Marine Unit to Mason?

LaRock: According to Chief of Staff of the Office of the President, Dr. Hennessey, we need to create a petition stating why students would like a Naval ROTC unit and acquire at least six signatures of approval from current Mason students. Of course, we would like to get more than six.

C2M: How will having this new unit affect students?

LaRock: It would incite healthy competition between the different Mason branches of ROTC. The adoption of a second ROTC program on campus will give students a wider range of military options from which to choose. This will also bring in an even larger and more diverse applicant pool, at the same time increasing the university’s prestige on a national basis.

C2M: What all ROTC units does Mason have? How will this new unit be different from the ROTC program Mason already has?

LaRock: Currently, the only on-campus ROTC unit available to students is Army ROTC. There is also a cross campus affiliate for Air Force ROTC with the University of Maryland, but it is not really an ideal trek for Mason students. For those students who wish to participate in the Naval ROTC program, they would have the option to commission as an officer into the Navy or Marine Corp and go into whatever career they choose.

C2M: Why are you so interested in having a Naval ROTC unit brought to Mason?

LaRock: I would like to pursue a career as a Naval or Marine Corp Officer upon graduation. It is also my desire to see the values of the Navy be spread to other young men and women wanting to become leaders of the United States. I am currently working alongside Jacobo Flores and Michael Lillie, GMU Veterans Society President and VP (respectively), and Mason senior, Michael Dematteo.


Students wanting more information on the proposed Naval ROTC unit, contact Grant LaRock at or phone (703) 595-8399.

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