YouTube takes down LGBTQ Pride Week event video
YouTube earlier this week took down a Connect2Mason video covering a Pride Week community forum event about the LGTBQ community and Mason’s campus climate.
The video, entitled “LGBTQ Photo Voice Community Forum” and uploaded from the Connect2Mason YouTube account, was flagged and marked as “inappropriate.” Connect2Mason received a notification from YouTube early Tuesday morning of the decision to disable the video.
The Photo Voice Community Forum, which took place on April 5, was one of the many events that made up Pride Week, an annual week at the university with events highlighting the LGBTQ community and its resources, along with educational and entertainment events. Student participants in the forum used visual images and written statements to share work, experiences and recommendations with and for the university community.
Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against its Community Guidelines, according to the notification.
Connect2Mason has reached out to YouTube for an explanation on which of YouTube’s Community Guidelines the coverage violated. When we learn more, we’ll post what we know.
The video has been posted in full above via our new video-service, VOPED.