Top 5 weekend picks October 4
Every week Connect2Mason will offer five entertainment picks for your weekend. Ranging from on-campus to off-campus events, Connect2Mason's Top 5 will give you a jump start on your weekend. Here are the Top 5 picks for this weekend:
“Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?” performance by Mason Players
When: Thursday, October 4 and Friday October 5 at 8pm with performances on Saturday, October 6 at 2pm and 8pm, with a 2pm performance on Sunday October 7
Where: George Mason University Theaterspace (bottom floor of the DeLaski Performing Arts Building)
This weekend, George Mason Univeristy's Mason Players will be performing "Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?." The play takes the audience through a journey into the mind of a rebellious thirty year old Tommy Flowers and his refusal to grow up.This is the first production by the Mason Players for the new school year. Take some time away from studying and enjoy some great theater.
Limited student tickets are available at the Center for the Arts Box Office with a valid student ID.
Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”
When: Sunday, October 7 at 4pm
Where: Center for the Arts
Any fan of the teen comedy “10 Things I Hate About You” take the time to see the original William Shakespeare play that the film is based off of. Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, tries to “tame” the shrew Katherina into becoming his bride. One of Shakespeare’s best-knonw comedies, the plot has become recycled numerous times into our everyday pop culture. Shakespearean English may be daunting, but you’ll know the basics of the plot to still enjoy the original text. The performance will be done by the award winning Aquila Theater. Even if you’ve seen the “Taming of the Shrew” before, Aquila’s modern take on the play will leave you with a new take on this classic, comedic play.
Two free student tickets can be reserved at the Center for the Arts Box Office with a valid student ID.
LIVE! From Busboys and Poets
When: Friday, October 5 at 11pm-1am
Where: 14th and V street Washington D.C.
Open to any and all talents, not just the usual poets, D.C.’s culture hub is opening it’s doors to those with talent. Whether you’re a musician, poet, dancer, magician, actor, or anything of the sort, come beef up your performance chops in front of a live audience. Whether you’re performing or not, Busboys and Poets never fails to deliver on a good evening.
Carsie Blanton and Seth Walker
When: Friday, October 5 at 7:30pm
Where: Jammin Java
Combining the pop-folk charm of Carsie Blanton with blues singer Seth Walker, you’re sure going to have a good time listening to some great music this weekend at Jammin' Java. After a critically acclaimed album, Blanton has had a strong following stemming from her hometown of Philadelphia. Self-producing her 2009 album “Buoy,” Blanton mixed classic soul music along with the sounds of R&B. Performing with Blanton is Texas-based artist Seth Walker. Having shared the stage with blues icons B.B. King and Ray Charles, Walker will not disappoint.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door the day of.
Art Exhibition Opening for Lauren Joseph
When: Friday, October 5 at 8pm-12pm
Where: Epicure Café
Fairfax’s cultural hub of live music and art, Epicure Café will be hosting the opening of an art exhibition for artist Lauren Joseph. Featuring live music from bluegrass band Gravel Road, works by artist Joseph will be on display and for sale. An alumni of James Madison University, Joseph’s work features profiles of individuals with oil paints along with the use of textiles. If you have an appreciation for art, good music, and good food peruse some art and bring your friends along for a local, cultural experience.