March 2008

Berger's Career Day Lifts Patriots Past Colonials

By Connect Mason Reporter Will Scullion

George Mason junior attacker Brittany Berger's six goals helped propel the 15th-ranked Patriots women’s lacrosse team to a 19-11 victory over the visiting George Washington Colonials (0-4) on Wednesday night at George Mason Stadium.

“I thought it was a great effort,” said George Mason coach Amy Bokker. “George Washington is a tough team. They’ve had a lot of tight games against some top programs.”

McCain Wins GOP Nomination, Dem Race Continues

By Connect Mason News Director Elizabeth Stern

Sen. Hillary Clinton made a formidable comeback in the Democratic primary race on March 4 with wins in three out of four states.

An Ending to Legendary Careers at Mason

By Broadside Staff Writer Matt Molina
Photos by Broadside Photography Editor Courtney Erland and Broadside Photographer Teddy Meyer

It could not have been a more appropriate ending for the legendary careers that helped change the whole identity of a university.

Folarin Campbell made the game-winning basket, while Will Thomas pulled down the game-sealing rebound en route to a 60-54 victory versus William & Mary in what was the final game they will ever play at the Patriot Center.

The 5,801 fans in attendance, which honored the two before the game with a standing ovation, along with fellow senior Jordan Carter, saw the perfect Hollywood ending.

Mason Talks About Abortion

By Connect Mason and Broadside Reporters

More under the cut. Read the rest.

The Abortion Debate: Pro-Choice

By Broadside Opinion Columnist Scott Mason
Video by Connect Mason Reporter Edwin Mora

  • To see the Pro-Life perspective, click here
  • For coverage of this week's Pro-Life Forum, click here
  • VIDEO: View student opinions below.

The idea that someone who is Pro-Choice is against the life of an un-born child is possibly the most common misconception in today’s society, especially with those who have a Pro-Life position. It is, however, false to think that because one side is titled in so biased a way as Pro-Life that any opposition is automatically “pro-death.” Pro-Choice is not pro-death. Pro-Choice is an ideology that believes that a woman has the right to choose what will happen to her body, and that the government has no place in making that decision for her.

The Abortion Debate: Pro-Life

By Broadside Opinion Columnist Michael Gryboski
Video by Connect Mason Reporter Edwin Mora

  • To see the Pro-Choice perspective, click here
  • For coverage of this week's Pro-Life Forum, click here
  • VIDEO: View student opinions below.

Every worldview has its axioms, or assumptions that must be true in order to preserve validity. Whenever these basic points of unity are undermined, the entire position is undermined. Enter the Pro-Choice Movement, an entity like other ideologies that has a set of assumptions that must be true in order for the movement not to be in vain. However, as evidenced by a sampling of assumptions gathered, the reader shall bear witness to the flaws of a movement shrouded in emotional arguments, D.C.-area marches and political activism.

Patriot Circle Interrupted By Construction

By Connect Mason Reporter Rashad Mulla
Map from Mason Gazette

Beginning Thursday, March 6, the northeast side of Patriot Circle will be closed between Lots E and G. Traffic, including CUE buses and George Mason University shuttles, will be directed onto a new spur road leading to University Drive. Those continuing east along the circle will take a left on George Mason Boulevard and a right on Patriot Circle.

Lunch Break: Mason Squirrels, Bathroom Discussions

By Connect Mason Video Director Scott Williams

Daily items of interest from all over the news and blog feeds.

This squirrel must be from Mason.

The reason why men should not talk in public bathrooms.

It is amazing what you can do with a little talent and a lot of free time.

It's one part stand up comedy, one part LEGO action... Star Wars.

what is goin on with Eminem

i have no idea
theres reports he's working on a cd 50 Dre say he is
they say it would be out this spring/yesterday/summer/next year
everywhere has different cd title some say its king mathers others say rip proof
what the is goin on
know what im sayin?
hes had lots of interviews 2006 mtv/bet for reup cd he says hes in studio but no confirmation of workin on a new cd but 50 talked about his cd that there is one comin out with a cd title
you know?
then recently on shade 45 he said nothing about it so is he even workin on 1

i dont know when its comin out but i hope its soon

VoxPop Careers Available Next Week

Video by Connect Mason Video Director Scott Williams and VoxPop Editor in Chief Jason Hartsel


Pick up your copy of VoxPop Careers on March 17 in SUB I room 204.