May 2008
A Letter to Gryboski
By Rebecca Walter
I don't know how to begin to answer this, but to say this is an opportunity to engage in dialogue while at the same time acknowledge that your opinion piece on the pride alliance is a repeat from last year's article. Perhaps you felt as though you were not listened to or heard?
Okay, Let's Be Reasonable
By Daniel Lawson
First of all I would like to thank Michael Gryboski for his donation to our social community in the last week of April. I have heard a lot of talk about his featured piece "Homosexuality Is a Mental Illness", showing its impact on our George Mason campus.
Will the Real Gryboski, Please Shut Up?
By Michael Wallace
Every week it seems that I can count on Mike Gryboski, an opinion writer, to deliver a scathing article to degrade the existence of a different population.
One week it was African-Americans, another week liberals were targeted, another week the Islamic community was demonized, and recently, he chose to attack the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual and Transgender community at throughout America.
For those of you that have not yet read one of these articles you have missed out on an opportunity to witness a bold misinterpretation of social dynamics.
Fairfax County Most Dangerous for Pedestrians
By Connect Mason Asst. News Director Rashad Mulla
Fairfax County is the most dangerous county in the DC area, according to the DC-based Coalition for Smarter Growth.
According to their April study, “Washington Area’s Mean Streets,” Fairfax County averaged 15 pedestrian deaths a year between 2004 and 2006, up from an average of 12 per year between 2003 and 2005.
Foreign Language Class Added to Mason Catalog
By Broadside News Editor Asma Chaudhary
A new course will be added to the George Mason University catalog next semester titled, FRLN 385: Multilingualism, identity and power. The course, which will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., focuses on sociolinguistics and cultures.
There are no prerequisites for the course except that students are to have completed general education requirements or to have enrolled in them during the same time.