August 2009
Construction Overview: New Deck Open, Other Projects Close to Completion
By Broadside Staff Writer Yasmin Tadjdeh
Like the summer, many major construction sites on George Mason University’s Fairfax campus are also winding down, ready for the influx of students for the 2009-2010 school year. The summer term saw great progression with many on-going construction sites and some saw their completion during summer 2009.
Freshmen Weigh in on Southside
By Broadside Correspondent Adam Sylvain
In the words of George Mason University freshman, Morgan Paugh, new students are “starting to feel the excitement” on campus. Fueling the excitement is the diverse and eclectic menu being offered at Southside, the university’s main dining facility.
New Art Building Opens 2.5 Years Late
Mason's new School of Art Building opened for classes today, two and a half years after it was intended to open.
EPIC FAIL: My Search for "The Search for National Treasure"
By Connect2Mason Director of Written Content Kevin Loker
Sigh. So close, but no national treasure.
After a cross country road trip, days of workshops and teambuilding, and hours of lifting fridge after fridge in the Park, all I wanted to do was summon my inner Nicholas Cage and go on a ridiculous, puzzle-solving scavenger hunt in DC. Too bad for me – and by my count, at least nine other gung-ho student adventurers – we misinterpreted some critical information: when and where we were supposed to meet.
SPOTTED: President Merten Turns Out to See Creigh Deeds
GMU President Alan Merten attended a campaign speech made by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds at Mason on Aug. 21
Photo by Mason Graduate Alexander Rogge
Taking Photos? C2M Wants to See Them!
The Connect2Mason Team is pretty awesome, but we can't be everywhere at once (at least without revealing our super powers). It can be hard for us to cover all the awesome activities that happen on campus!
We need you to help us remedy this problem. We would LOVE to feature your photographs from your first week at George Mason University on our website. Events around campus, funny happenings, or even just you and your friends hanging out- these can all be of interest to the C2M team and our readers! Help us out by sending us any photos or videos you take this first week to
The Lowdown on Parking at George Mason: More Spaces Than Ever Before
Get excited: George Mason University has more parking spaces than it ever has before.
Students Have Officially Moved In
New and returning Mason students have moved into dorms across campus. See what some freshmen have to say about moving in and the first few days of campus life.
New Students Discover 'Mason Mayhem'
For new students, the first weekend at Mason can be overwhelming or even scary, but Mason Mayhem tried to add fun and excitement to the beginning of the school year.